Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prince Harry Atlantic Council Awards in DC Colin Powell Says He Has No Problem With Gay Marriage endorses gay marriage 10 Questions for not ready to endorse Obama reelection questions Romney foreign policy is endorsing or yet on Foreign Policy 'Come Mitt Think' rush endorsement Doesn’t Know If He’s Voting For President Yet [Video] Exclusive Advice Entrepreneurs Celebrity speakers lure investors into risky bets

Why Colin Powell Bashed Mitt Romney's Foreign-Policy Advisers Colin Powell on Wednesday criticized Mitt Romney's foreign-policy sensibility — more specifically, his advisers and his thoughts on Russia — and in doing so, the former secretary of state resurfaced old conflicts with the Republican candidate's team. "C'mon Mitt, think," Powell said of Romney's recent... Colin Powell endorses gay marriage "I have no problems with it," he says. Colin Powell backs same-sex marriage but makes no presidential campaign endorsement Former Secretary of State declines to endorse Obama "at this time" but backs his views on marriage equality Colin Powell questions Mitt Romney's foreign policy: "C'mon, Mitt, think." "C'mon, Mitt, think." So said Colin Powell on Wednesday as he assessed Mitt Romney's foreign policy. Powell, appearing on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," said he was befuddled when he heard that Romney had declared that Russia was the top geopolitical foe of the United States. Colin Powell Says He Has No Problem With Gay Marriage Gen. Colin Powell today told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he had no problem with gay marriage. The interview will be televised later today on CNN's "The Situation Room." Colin Powell: Gay families 'as stable as my family' Retired Gen. Colin Powell, once a foe of gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, has embraced same-sex marriage and says he support's President Obama's pro-marriage equality stand. As with Obama, and many others, the former Secretary of State and four-star general told CNN that his opinion evolved as a result of personal contact with same-sex partners and parents. "But, as I've thought ... Colin Powell criticizes Romney on foreign policy; says he has 'no problem' with gay marriage Former Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday criticized Mitt Romney's foreign policy stance, particularly when it comes to the presumptive GOP nominee's statement earlier this year that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States. Read full article >> Colin Powell Dings Romney On Foreign Policy Chops [VIDEO] The former Secretary of State and four-star general seemed taken aback by a remark from Mitt Romney about Russia being the top geopolitical threat to the U.S. Colin Powell declines to endorse Obama for re-election (VIDEO) Former Secretary of State Colin Powell isn't ready to endorse Barack Obama again, as he did four years ago. read more Colin Powell Endorses Gay Marriage (But Not Obama or Romney) Colin Powell said on CNN Wednesday that he had "no problem" with gay marriage, but after a week of talk show appearances he's made it clear he's still not ready to back its latest champion, Barack Obama.
Key Words: colin powell


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