Friday, June 8, 2012

Ridley Scott's Prometheus Examines the Roots of Alien 's Mythology Two International Posters Django Unchained Trailer to Debut with 'Coors Light' TV Spot Michael Fassbender MTV Movie Awards Charlize Theron! Life Pi 3D Clip Before What Weyland Knows About LinkedIn And PostSocial Value Theron 'Prometheus' World Premiere! Wanted be in a Heavy Metal Band Noomi Rapace & Covers 'Entertainment Weekly' Four Clips Reveal More Footage! Offers Up New Aliens! 'Landing' Cast Dinner! IMAX 'Midnight Exclusive' Poster 17 EW Photos and 'New York Times Magazine' delivers breathtaking visuals convoluted plot Was Like 'Stepping Into Narnia'

'Prometheus' Writers Talk 'Alien' Origins, Comics & Reboots This Friday (June 8), "Prometheus" makes its U.S. premiere, bringing Ridley Scott's long-awaited "Alien" prequel to theaters and, if all goes well, kick-starting a brand-new franchise based on the universe he first introduced to audiences way back in 1979. 'Prometheus' review: Brooding sci fi Prometheus RATING: (ALERT VIEWER) Science fiction. Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron. Directed by Ridley Scott. (R. 124 minutes. At Bay Area theaters.) "Prometheus" has the integrity of a... 'Prometheus' Vs. 'Madagascar': A Weekend Box-Office Preview 'We're giving the slight edge to 'Prometheus,''s Phil Contrino says of this weekend's competition. Prometheus Review (MovieMantz) With "Prometheus," director Ridley Scott follows too far behind on the path that he himself paved the way for 32 years ago. Review: Majestic Visuals Power Prometheus Through Big, Murky Ideas Ridley Scott proves in Prometheus that 33 years after Alien , he still remembers how to rouse primal fears within a gorgeously rendered, profoundly pessimistic sci-fi setting. Prometheus ** Prometheus Like opening a gift box from Tiffany's to find a mug from the dollar store. Ridley Scott's return to the "Alien” franchise is impeccably produced but increasingly scattered. It's officially a prequel but it feels like a remake: We've been here before, with lesser technology but more purpose. Starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, and Charlize Theron, all quite good. (119 ... 'Prometheus,' by Ridley Scott, With Noomi Rapace Michael Fassbender in "Prometheus." More Photos » If you grew up in the 1970s, you may have a dim memory of "Chariots of the Gods," an international best seller by Erich von Daniken full of dubious speculation about extraterrestrial influences on ancient earthling civilizations. Movie Review | 'Prometheus': Review: 'Prometheus,' by Ridley Scott, With Noomi Rapace In "Prometheus," Ridley Scott returns to the visceral dread of "Alien" as a vessel lumbers through the galactic void. Movie Review: Review: 'Prometheus,' by Ridley Scott, With Noomi Rapace In "Prometheus," Ridley Scott returns to the visceral dread of "Alien" as a vessel lumbers through the galactic void. Review: It's no 'Alien,' but 'Prometheus' still delivers thrills Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' offers up more creeps than scares, with Michael Fassbender turning in the most engrossing performance as the resident android. Part philosophical treatise, part pulp fiction, part pure horror show, Ridley Scott's"Prometheus" ends up with less to say than it thinks it does. Though more involving than much of this year's summer blockbuster competition, by the standards ...
Key Words: prometheus


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