Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Comment on Littwin As Newt makes waves Mitt tries to heat up in Florida Former Reporter Jay Carney Recalls 'Bombast' During Gingrich Era Capitol Hill The Medium Do GOP voters know what they want Why you should Saul Alinsky White House Sidesteps Question Obama and Adviser says Bachmann out of race; Romney NH Two Ways Play the 'Alinsky' Card Who was Seventeen Minutes Misdirection Horseshit They don’t look real me fact so strange No One Cares About Affair Dear President You're Behind a Class Warfare Charge Alinsky's Shadow FWord

Saul Alinsky: Newt's bogeyman As the remaining Republican presidential candidates invade our state (Wings Plus in Coral Springs is gonna be busy) get ready to hear this name: Saul Alinsky. You'll hear mention of the name particularly from Newt Gingrich who has made Alinsky part of his boilerplate, as in "Saul Alinsky radicalism is at the heart of Obama." So, who is this guy? I'll admit: Though I'd heard the name before, I ... Newt needs a lesson about Saul Alinsky WASHINGTON — GOP White House hopeful Newt Gingrich constantly — the latest time on Sunday — invokes the name of the late Saul Alinsky — a Chicago native — when he wants to assert that President Barack Obama is a "radical." Gingrich, a historian, demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the work of Alinsky, a legendary community organizer in Chicago's Woodlawn and Back of the Yard ... Who is Saul Alinsky? A Gingrich line explained (CNN) – In framing his attacks on President Barack Obama for a possible November showdown, Newt Gingrich repeatedly brings up the name of an influential radical organizer from the first half of the 20th century. "Saul Alinsky radicalism is at the heart of Obama," Gingrich said Sunday in an interview with CNN Chief Political Correspondent [...] Dear President Obama: You're No Saul Alinsky The loopy idea of the humanitarian populist left and right making common cause against the privileged elites of Wall Street and Washington ... in a crusade for equal opportunity and a Kennedyesque rising tide to lift all boats ... may not be completely far fetched. Behind a Class Warfare Charge, Saul Alinsky's Shadow Barack Obama weathered the guilt-by-association storm in 2008, withstanding criticism of his ties to Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But what about Saul Alinsky? As a young community organizer, Obama was taught by activists who were influenced by Alinsky, the Chicago activist who argued... Rudy: Newt acting like Saul Alinsky The former mayor jabs Gingrich for his criticisms of Romney's tenure at Bain Capital. Who is Saul Alinksy? Newt Gingrich Knows... Who is Saul Alinksy? Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich knows. And, Gingrich thinks, Democratic President Barack Obama does, too. Gingrich, who won the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday, has repeatedly invoked Alinsky's name recently. My perverse pleasure upon seeing Carolyn Long on MSNBC Okay, this is just sort of mean-spirited, but hey, how am I gonna earn some of that Sheridan Whiteside street cred if I don't travel down these dark paths every once in a while? Every so often - a whole lot, really - I see ads for a certain jewelry store op up on while I am indulging myself in my Liberal Paranoia, clutching my rifle and a copy of Saul Alinsky, enjoying the prime time offerings ... The five best anti-SOPA protests It's INTERNETAGEDDON! Or, at the least, it's the day of the SOPA protests . As an example of political mobilization —and a new form of political mobilization at that — the anti-SOPA campaign is likely to enter the organizing textbooks. Saul Alinsky could never have seen this coming. As an example of the power and prevalence that these Web sites have in our lives, the anti-SOPA blackouts are a ... Brave Newt World: 3 Contests, 3 Winners Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista celebrate the former House speaker's victory in South Carolina. Photo by T.J. Kirkpatrick/Getty Images. As Jay-Z says, on to the next one. In a 40 percent to 28 percent rout, Newt Gingrich won more raw votes Saturday in South Carolina than Mitt Romney won in New Hampshire and Iowa combined. (See the final tally on the NewsHour's results map.) Gingrich won just ...
Key Words: saul alinsky


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